SpinnerQru's NewsInner Outpost
2/24/97 The Inner Outpost Post VOL 2 Issue #6
In this Issue
More Awards
Qru Space
Tech Tips
Search Engines
The Vampire Gallery

ONE Magazine
The Metaphysical Side

Notes from you

Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.
~Michelangelo, (quoted by C.C. Colton in Lacon)

Qru Studios Incorporated has been very busy this week due to some wonderful response from you, our readers. Two new artists have been added to the Vampire Gallery, a small but nationwide magazine arranged to use our CHAT for their weekly meetings, and the KnowMadz added a huge section to their site allowing anyone to add information that all can learn from. Be sure to take a look at some of the new points of interest mentioned here then write in and tell us what you think. Anything we have done for ourselves we can do for you too, so if you see something you might want, let us know.

Top of the News

Two More Awards
Qru Studios sites have been rising in the public eye to greater levels of recognition as the Vampire Gallery won yet another award on Thursday, The "Elven Award of Excellence" allotted by The Third Kindom (prior to the addition of The Enclave and new exhibit), as well as the slovenly Auntie Productive League was awarded with the JAUP (or the Just another Useless Page Award) on Friday. This award is freely available but shows signs of life from the deep slumbering site that has not been updated since February of '96. If The Auntie Productive League doesn't sleep on their laurels now, perhaps this will bring something new from them soon (one might hope).


Everything Exists in Space
Qru Space is the main corridor through Qru Studios Incorporated sites. It allows for quick navigation to the key portions of our sites as well as our constituent sites. Also featured here are two pages of exceptional architecture engineered using basic HTML; Space and Deep Space respectively. Space is a vast and wide page that spans approximately 10x25 screens while still conserving precious system resources. Deep Space is one of the deepest pages found on the internet to date. We have approximated the total depth to be about equal to a 17 story building, and although the content is scarce, it is rather amusing. Also contained in space is a promotional presentation, and a dissertation on the effects of you in the new media culture. Of course you will find many of the other familiar areas of Qru such as Qru Studios Home Page and The Inner Outpost along with previously featured sections Particle Space, and Inside Qru Studios. We invite you with pleasure to explore Qru Space and beyond.

On the LAN

Tech Tips gets its own Newsletter
Due to overwhelming response, the staff of Qru Studios Incorporated has decided to publish a separate newsletter for Tech Tips every two weeks. Rather than the brief paragraphs that have appeared in Qru's News for the past few weeks, we will be put out an entire page devoted to various aspects of the technical side of computing every other Wednesday to help you stay on top of the latest developments. Our premier issue will discuss software for the Internet and will be available this Wednesday. We encourage our readers to E-mail us questions so we can cover topics of greatest interest to you. Tech Tips will also be available via E-mail subscription and you will get there through Qru's News Online.

On the See

Search Us...

Enclave for Vampires

The main search engine for qru.com has been removed. The vast amount of data paired with the frequency of use was rather demanding of server resources. Not to fear though, we are to putting working search engines in The Library, and space, and in the staff area of the site the latter of which is being constructed. Plus! We will be adding a page to access all the search engines available on every domain of Qru. Sorry for the present inconvenience, we hope that the change will benefit all the travelers of our sites.

The Vampire Gallery has added an Enclave where creatures of the night can gather from the safety of their dark nooks, and mortals can be awed by the exquisite decor and intricate underpinnings of a colossus of design and functionality. Here lost souls alone in a world of darkness can speak out about things forbidden to the mortal realm. For real Vampires and those intrigued by the darker side of existence this should prove to be a unique experience for all that partake. You may create a message or respond to other previously posted messages. Meet Vampires or other fiends from around the world, discuss deeper thoughts with more eloquent responses than the conversations one might find from chat. All are welcome, (an open mind is required).

Also added this week to the Vampire Gallery are two featured artists, photographs, and several images by Tate Madler our Creative Director. Don't miss these latest additions and if you did not get a chance to see the first showing, what are you waiting for?

Client Side

ONE Magazine

The Metaphisical Side

ONE Magazine, a publication produced by Baha'i youth nationwide, will be using the Inner Outpost CHAT for the next few weeks to improve communications amongst the editorial staff and area coordinators. ONE is dedicated to promoting the Baha'i Faith through a hype magazine showing the artwork, ideas and thoughts of the youth. Utilizing technologies rare even in the business world, ONE hopes to greater implement the Baha'i teaching of consultation by including their entire staff, located across the nation (soon to expand into Canada) in their weekly meetings. If this experiment proves fruitful, ONE will consider setting up a permanent channel on the chat for their meetings.

The KnowMadz have added a Theology section on to their site. Divinely detailed this area was constructed by Qru Studios to assist The KnowMadz' quest for ancestral knowledge. Herein discussed are not only monotheistic and polytheistic faiths, but also added are various philosophies and practices that define religion as a way of life. In addition to limited level of detail, the advanced architecture of this section insures that this area can grow to honor infinite capacity and is fully interactive with direct links to the Cultural Forum allowing input and encouraging discussion, as well as to the newly added Calendar of Theological Events (which is functional but data is still being added). This amazingly intricate and multifaceted section was the combined creative, programmatic and productive effort of the entire Qru in a mere two weeks of volunteer work, above and beyond their usual call of duty culminating and distilling these results.


Notes from you
"I like your new newsletter. Simple, attractive format. Very informative Keep up the good work! Best wishes to Qru and crew!"
~Paul Peldyak, Esq. Madler & Peldyak

"Christine and I were finally connected to the Inner Outpost [chat] and it worked fine."
~Mojan Sami ONE Magazine

"Congratulations, You've Won the Award!!"
~Representative from The Third Kingdom

We are constantly updating our site or developing our skills in a new technology. The best way to stay informed is to check out our newsletter every Monday. If you want to receive Qru's News right in your e-mailbox each week sign up on our mailing list

© Qru Studios Incorporated 1997