SpinnerQru's NewsInner Outpost
9/22/97 The Inner Outpost Post VOL 2 Issue #36
In this Issue
Disk GO Burnin'
A Round 100
Stretchin' It
More on the Law
Notes From You

"When in doubt, predict the trend will continue"
~Merkin's Maxim

Things have been jumping this week at Qru Studios. Work with Madler & Peldyak has lead to more work amongst their colleagues. This is much to our benefit as we have just fulfilled contract to the Madler estate, enabling The Studio continued stay at this location. With revived flow so soon after completing an installation we will be able to stay on top of the market and bring you the latest in Internet and computing technologies. You will notice a slight change in the format of the newsletter. Certain sections have been reworked to give the maximum amount of information in the least amount of space. We have retained the Top of the News and Features sections to give full stories on the most important aspects of what we are doing. We would also like to welcome Raya Gasparian who has come in from New York City as a extended member of the KnowMadz and a trainee at Qru Studios.

Top of the News

Disc GO Burnin'
Qru Studios now has a fully operational CD-ROM recordable drive. Just over a year ago Qru Studios purchased a CD-ROM burner that was bundled with defective software. After many failed attempts to install the device in several different machines the manufacturer of the drive, the controller, and software proprietor were cyclically contacted for assistance. Support at Pinnacle Micro (the proclaimed manufacturer of the drive) proved to be in denial and unwilling to support their own hardware, claiming they were not in the business of recordable drives anymore, and besides, the one year warranty is over. A week long E-mail melee ensued in which the company had to be convinced that having followed all advice, procedures and updates only proves that their package was defective and that reparations were due. After the forth trial of will and testament the manufacturer succumbed to send software known to work with the drive they provided. Ironically, this occurred on the worker's last day of employment due to mysterious "changes within the company". The same day he lost his job he revealed the actual manufacturer of the drive was JVC and rendered model specific information. The software has been received and installed and we are in process of archiving much of our current material onto CD. We will also be creating CD's designed for installation of specialized software from Qru Studios for distribution to our clients. Contact us to find out more about what we can archive for you.


We have created an addition to our LAN site reflecting the sWAN, or small Wide Area Network, service. This section of the site gives details on all of the computers and networks administrated by Qru Studios. Our sWAN service has recently become available to the general public. We invite all of our friends and clients to view these pages and discover if sWAN services could make your life easier, expand your horizons, or just reduce network administration costs through remote administration.

On the LAN
A Round 100
The Hundred Aker Wood, workstation belonging to Christine Patterson, our production manager, is finally filling up the full Hundred Acres originally intended to be allotted to it. The machine has received a well earned upgrade from 66 to maximum 100MHz. Complimenting the faster speed the hard drive space was increased to one full Gig. Surprisingly, the lost sounds of Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends playing in the Woods have returned. We believe they reappeared because the woods have been restored to their originally intended size. This week marks a milestone in Qrustory. Now all of our machines are at least 100MHz and, with the exception of Phoenix, the notebook, they all have at least one gig of hard drive space.
Other additions will include a half gig hard drive that will be home to our UNIX system as we bring all the parts together. Also on the agenda, Castle, the computer of Mogur of the KnowMadz, will be upgraded to a pentium in upcoming weeks as the needs of Mogour continue to grow. Information on our WAN pages will be updated when this change takes place.

On the See

Stretchin' It
Anticorp has been gaining in repute and resource and has recently acquired a limousine. With large portions of the world under their control...er, employ, they felt it was time to have an image to match their power. For a glimpse of the limo you can see it on the front page of the Anticorp web site.
Elements of the Cybre Tree have been updated for a more attractive tree now accommodating more ornaments and template administration. Many thanks to Kreative Web Solutions for their exceptional work on this project.
Hardcorp has added silver and gold to their Table of Elements. These have been chosen not for their popularity in the making of jewelry, but rather due to their strong conductive properties. While copper is the most popular conductor due to its ready availability and low price, silver and gold are more reliable, efficient and used where such enhanced properties are most needed; particularly in sensitive electronic equipment.

Client Side
More on the Law
Work at Madler & Peldyak has been very successful. After seeing the skill and efficiency with which Tate works, several other groups within the office have requested his assistance in bringing their systems up to date. Through referral and personal interaction our system design and sWAN services could prove to be vital parts of Qru Studios success and futures.
In other news, Tate Madler, our Creative Director, had a teleconference with our client from Singapore Thursday morning. As they prepare to launch their project, our place within their plans has been discussed.
The web site for Fisher Bikes has been completed. Everyone is pleased with the great job that David did with the material he was given.

Notes From You

"You really did an awesome job on those pages."
~Mark Rattin, Designer, 3st.2

"He made some really nice pages for your machines, you know, showing them all together and what they have on them. He made you look really good up there!"
~Paul Peldyak, Attorney at Law, Describing the Law of the LAN to his partner

We are constantly updating our site or developing our skills in a new technology. The best way to stay informed is to check out our newsletter every Monday. If you want to receive Qru's News right in your E-mailbox each week sign up on our mailing list

© Qru Studios Incorporated 1997