SpinnerQru's NewsInner Outpost
9/08/97 The Inner Outpost Post VOL 2 Issue #34
In this Issue
Full Administration
Biking to Singapore
Notes From You

I've got the world's largest sea shell collection, I keep it scattered on beaches all over the world.
~Steven Wright

In reading this newsletter you will see that many things are planned for later this month. We promised you a few weeks ago that we are about to create a bang in the industry. While we are still being rather cryptic and keeping you all somewhat in the dark, all that we have been doing will soon come to light. Be sure not to miss a single issue as we divulge the various parts of our plan.

Top of the News

Saturday afternoon Qru Studios inspected components and began installation and configuration of a new LAN for Madler & Peldyak, a law firm in Chicago's Loop. This marks a turning point in Qru history as the first external system we have designed and installed with remote administration and internetworking capabilities. The firm will be running Windows '95 clients through a Windows NT fileserver complete with Internet access. The system can be directly administered though our local server "Beauty", right here from inside The Studio, saving the law firm from costly administrators and troubleshooting. We are thankful for the opportunity to segway Madler & Peldyak into the 21st century three years ahead of schedule.

On the LAN
Edit Scripts
For most of the week we wondered what had happened to David. Then he emerged from his retreat with a completed editor for our administrative system for all of our up and coming hosting features program. As resources fall into place for our server to go up, this will give us an website administration layer over our clients sites features and functionality that even some of the biggest Internet Service Providers have been unable to achieve.

VRML Project
Qru Studios is in the planning process of a VRML project that will blow the top off of anything you have seen us, or perhaps anyone do before on the web, and communications as you think you know it. While we will not divulge details of this surprise project, we can give you hints; think outer body experience, think 3d, think voice relay, think IRC, think Quake.... We can let you know that it is a VRML 2 project that will have capabilities that many have not heard of or even conceived of to this point.

Earlier this week Tate met with our business advisors and discussed the direction our company is going. They expressed a great deal of enthusiasm, and even a little surprise, at the many projects that we have coming the table and the advancement of our development. We received crucial and timely advice concerning the general content of our business proposal and were asked to bring in a the next revised version later this month for review. Though they believe that it is somewhat premature to distribute shares, they were impressed with the amount of progress we had achieved thus far and see the possibilities as a very positive and lucrative one for all of party.

On the See

The Christmas Tree project has been highly successful in the two weeks since it has been posted. Several prestigious Christmas Tree related organizations have expressed their interest in our tree and have even given us valuable advice as to other key sources for sponsorship and organizations that may also be interested. We have seen ornaments added representing several of your homepages, thank you warmly for your support. In order to accommodate the expected audience and amount of enthusiasm we had to make the ornament size smaller so that it may be loaded faster, and more entries will fit into less space. Even if you have stopped by before, do so again frequently. It will always be different in there and the more enthusiasm we have now, the better our chances to make ours the premier Christmas Tree for the 1997 season.

Client Side
Biking to the Future
Our very own David Cole was invited by Mark Rattin, an talented graphic designer and Creative Director of Giant Step, to assist him with the layout and design of the site for Fisher Bikes. David began work on a section of the site featuring new bike models for the 1998 season. He will also be including a search engine enabling people to find bikes based on their needs and lifestyle. Mark intends to continue relations with Qru Studios for future projects. He is particularly interested in our programming capabilities.

Later this month a representative from a client stationed in Singapore will be in the States visiting contingents and contractors for their American presence. He has requested to arrange a meeting with Our Creative Director where they will discuss site design and features expansion and likely a myriad of other topics as well. We look forward to this new relationship and are quite hopeful for a long and prosperous future together.

Notes From You

"I saw [the CybreTree], and I really like it, I think you have a very unique opportunity and product that you are offering."
~Mike Wade, California Christmas Tree Association

We are constantly updating our site or developing our skills in a new technology. The best way to stay informed is to check out our newsletter every Monday. If you want to receive Qru's News right in your E-mailbox each week sign up on our mailing list

© Qru Studios Incorporated 1997