SpinnerQru's NewsInner Outpost
11/10/97 The Inner Outpost Post VOL 2 Issue #43
In this Issue
New Outlook
Army of Robots
Soon to be Seen
Notes From You

"Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill."
~Christopher Parker

The Studio is making great advances in training of both our own staff and our clients. We are advancing our skills in several popular business applications to offer our clients and increase our own productivity. Our entire staff is becoming very efficient at hardware installation and network configuration. We are overcoming some recent setbacks and difficulties and things look smoother for the future.

Top of the News

New Outlook
The Studio has installed Microsoft Outlook onto all of our local machines. This is a professional tool that could be of great use to many of our clients who are setting up small networks. After a brief testing period we will be installing Outlook for Madler & Peldyak and training them in the system.

On the LAN
Army of Robots
A new machine has been added to our LAN. Belonging to Stacia Zamora, the machine is currently not named. It was built as a collaborative effort between Stacia, Christine Patterson and Thad Madler, an extended member of the Studio. It is a 486/100 with 16 MB RAM on a PCI bus. Unfortunately 100 Acre Woods was having trouble with its expanded processor and had to be downgraded to 66MHz. That will be rectified soon as we plan to replace it with a Pentium.

Invisible Changes
Recent negotiations with Reynolds Enterprises, our hosting partner, have led to a new deal for Qru Studios and our clients. While no obvious changes will occur in the services that we offer, our response time to your requests should improve as our access improves. This change will manifest itself in the form of saved time and money for all of us. We will also be entering the newest sections of the Qru sites into the various search engines and databases throughout the Internet. This in combination with a reworking of our META tags will lead to an even greater number of visitors to our already popular sites.

On the See
Soon to be Seen
We will be posting two now computers on our LAN pages this week. We are making a page for Stacia's computer as well as James Madler's, of Madler and Peldyak, personal computer. US AND THEM will also be posted over the course of the week as finishing touches are put in place.

Client Side
Our meeting with Willa of Pet Times Newspaper had to be postponed temporarily due to illness. Our appointment is being rescheduled for a time when we will all be available and, hopefully, healthy.

James Madler of Madler & Peldyak recently purchased a Hewlett Packard MMX 200 with 32 MB RAM, a 3D video card, surround sound, 33.6 modem, 3.5 gigs on the hard drive, and 16x CD-ROM. All of this came at an incredible introductory cost. When the other lawyers saw it, they all ran out and got one. It looks like we will be having a blast configuring these computers in the next week or so.

Notes From You

"Your skills are supremely strong and your compensation desires are too."
~Scott Landi, CTG Atlanta

We are constantly updating our site or developing our skills in a new technology. The best way to stay informed is to check out our newsletter every Monday. If you want to receive Qru's News right in your E-mailbox each week sign up on our mailing list

© Qru Studios Incorporated 1997