SpinnerQru's NewsInner Outpost
6/30/97 The Inner Outpost Post VOL 2 Issue #24
In this Issue
KnowMadz Forum
Pet Tips
Notes From You
And don't forget
Tech Tips

Life was so much easier when you had nothing to live for
~Corey Schneider

This past week has been fast and furious. We have been accommodating new clients and are even meeting with more. All struggles have rewards as we were thrilled to receive two very complimentary notes from virtual strangers to the Studio staff. We would like to note for their benefit that we are not using IntraBuilder or any other out-of-the-box solution on the market. All of our Intranet, Internet, and database applications are done through CGI and Perl programmed by the magic of our very own Director of Special Effects, David Cole.

Top of the News

Tate Madler, our Creative Director, has been consulting for Taproot Studios on their Florsheim account. Bringing his knowledge of high level Internet technologies to the project, Tate has received rave reviews from the people at Taproot who are strongest in graphic design. With a special interest in ergonomic design, Tate is bringing consciousness of the needs of other browsers to the group. Even when working with other companies we always bring Qru's philosophy of quality and ease of use to each project.


Space: The Featured Frontier
The Space section of qru.com will be a featured site on Starting Point. This is only the first step in a process that could lead to Space being chosen as a Starting Point Hot site. This is our second nomination in six months from Starting Point and would be our second such award. Being selected as a hot site means that many people visiting the contending sites gleaned the most enjoyment from our site. Actually the votes are not publicly displayed. To vote for Qru Space and help it too become another Qru created Starting Point Hot Site click HERE

On the LAN
Hardware and Software
The Obelisk, our current server destined for greatness, has just been improved to best suit its purpose. Purchased to act solely as a server, taking some pressure off of Beauty which was predominately meant to be a high end workstation, the Obelisk now has our rewritable PD/CD drive installed. The PD disks are where our archives are stored and now we can access them through the server. We installed Windows NT on the Obelisk to test viability of peer-to-peer networking topologies with the benefit of security and giving our server a far superior operating system more suited to serving data to our LAN.

On the See

Talk to the World
The KnowMadz forum seems to have found its niche on the Internet with a small group of visitors returning often to post their ideas. Originally conceived of as a place where people from around the world can exchange ideas, the forum has a membership consisting of singers, zine publishers and various other creative people from several countries sharing their work. We are very pleased to be hosting such an exciting group and hope to see it grow even more in the future. If you have something to say that many people should hear, and we all do, go to the forum and share your thoughts with this eclectic group.

Client Side
Pet Tips
In order to better serve their clients, Adore-A-Pet has added pet tips to their home page. Each time a visitor hits the Adore-A-Pet home page they will see one of over 60 randomly generated tips on pet care. These tidbits give information on everything from choosing a pet to keeping it comfortable in extreme weather conditions to feeding it safe and nutritious foods. The more you visit Adore-A-Pet's web site, the more you get to learn.

Notes From You
"Wow--awesome! Looks like he's using it all--tables, javascript, animation, msg boards, probably IntraBuilder (or some other database enabler). The QRU pages are truly beautiful."

"I am gonna make a link to your page too!!! I'll tell everyone this is what I aspire to!"
~Fred Perry

We are constantly updating our site or developing our skills in a new technology. The best way to stay informed is to check out our newsletter every Monday. If you want to receive Qru's News right in your E-mailbox each week sign up on our mailing list

© Qru Studios Incorporated 1997