SpinnerQru's NewsInner Outpost
2/10/97 The Inner Outpost Post VOL 2 Issue #4

All are architects of Fate,
Working in these walls of Time;
Some with massive deeds and great,
Some with ornaments of rhyme.
~Longfellow, The Builders

Welcome to the Qru Studios newsletter. We put it out every Monday to keep our visitors, friends and clients informed on our progress. Qru is a web site design firm specializing in multimedia production. Our own sites are constantly being updated to include our new features and capabilities. Visit us often.

Top of the News

Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:00pm CST are now chat nights on the Inner Outpost. Everyone is invited to meet servil, Hoover, the KnowMadz, and the rest of the Qru constituency. And you don't need a special plug-in to join. This is made by software compiled in Java by Webmaster, Inc. and enables anyone with Netscape 2.0 on up or a comparable browser to participate. To enter just click on the "CHAT" button on the main menu of the Inner Outpost. This project has become a point of study at Carnegie Melon University on interactivity on the Internet thanks to the efforts of Noah Simon, Qru representative and Media Consultant.

Unfortunately this chat is in its testing phases. We can only continue to keep it going if we get support from you. We encourage you to visit us on Tuesday and Thursday to discuss what we have done, possibilities for the future and just to hang out with friends. If you are interested in your own chat or know someone who may be, invite them. We can set this up for any of our clients and friends.


At a time when such technologies were only available to those with the biggest, fastest and most up to date computers, our own David Cole was exploring graphical programming on his Apple IIgs. Available on Particle Space are the concepts behind the shapes and arrays on which graphical programming still rests. These are the same technologies that brought us the CAT scan and other such devices now taken for granted in our society. Currently, David is experimenting with graphical design using CGI. Look forward to interactive backgrounds in the future.

On the LAN

Last weekend and into the wee hours of Tuesday the Qru put the finishing touches on our intranet (internal internet). Having found the SQL database difficult to instal and utilize we pursued creating our own using CGI and PERL. With David Cole making modifications on scripts created by Selena Sol we came up with our current product which is in full use and able to be easily implemented on any of our clients sites. We are equipped with such features as encrypted password protection, database access, interactive data entry, search engines, easy access to otherwise remote locations on our site, local testing of scripts and much much more. This has led to greater ease in administration, troubleshooting and keeping our site up to date. We can offer all this to our clients enabling ease of access to information wherever they go.

Beta testing of Netscape 4.0 continues. Some new features and a different layout make it somewhat less desirable than its predecessors. But in the long run it will allow for ever expanding capabilities offering video game like qualities such as layers which allow for sprite movement (characters that can travel across your screen without limit) right in your web site.

We have just updated our server to its current incarnation. With all of our work coming in through Beauty we are granted faster access to our information. We also are on faster phone lines better enabling our remote members to access their work.

On the See

Signing up for Qru's News has just been made easier! Just go to our sign-up form, enter your name and e-mail address and the newsletter will be automatically sent to you the following Monday. That does not mean you can get out of sending us your responses to our site. We would love to hear from you so please send your comments to cdp@qru.com or info@qru.com.

Client Side

Creative Director Tate Madler has begun negotiations with Sabretooth, a New York based supplier of vampire related wares, for logo artwork to appear in their Vampyre magazine summer issue. Sabretooth makes custom fangs and sfx eyes like the ones worn by Michael Jackson in Thriller or Jordy and Data of Star Trek the Next Generation.

Tech Tips

While we at Qru Studios often speak of our many VRML worlds, VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) is rather rare to this point on the Internet. If you have tried to view our sites you will discover that the length of time it takes to download the files is longer than many are willing to wait, especially users that do not yet know what they are getting into. Apple Corporation, IBM and Paragraph, leaders in computer technologies, are coming together in support of a binary format for VRML files which will enable them to be compressed at a 50 to 1 ratio. So keep an eye out for the new, sleeker, faster, smaller VRML to show its head this year. As soon as the standards make a public appearance Qru Studios will update our sites for your benefit.

We are constantly updating our site or developing our skills in a new technology. The best way to stay informed is to check out our newsletter every Monday. If you want to get on our mailing list and receive Qru's News right in your e-mailbox each week sign up on our mailing list

© Qru Studios Incorporated 1997