Spinner Qru's News Inner Outpost
4/26/1999 The Inner Outpost Post  VOL 4 Issue #2
April 26, 1999

In This Issue:
COMDEX Chicago
Hydra meets Quadra
Netopia Router Goes Up
The Cyber Sundial
VIP in our Line-up

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This Week's Quote:

There are two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.
~Indira Ghandi


The Calendar has seen tremendous upheaval and redesign. As well the underpinnings are being pinned down to make it easier to use and deply than ever.

A central menu serves as conduit between different administrative modules. Ongoing CGI research struggles with such strange phenomenae as self extracting template formatters and form processing, wrangling gnarly sites into untangled data structures trying to avoid the omnious lunar offset!

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