Contents : Space : Terminal Vision :

spiral galaxy
Potential vs. Environment
Perceiving the Reality of Our Species

physical emotional

Physical Spiritual Emotional
Input Process Output
Receive Enhance Proof
Information Fantasy Reality

    The Information Collective
  • Scrutiny by Inferiors
    Filter through Experience:
    Create the Immaculate Sketchbook
  • Beam of Understanding
    Mental Bonding:
    Concept of the Collective
    Concept Development
    Shared stream of consciousness creates new senses from your synthesis
    Ideas trickle down,
    Then fulfillment sets them in the real.
Channel of Consciousness
Don't limit yourself by being forced into a goal that you don't want.
Organize ideas as you think of them.
Impose your structure or thought.

leads to

Human Factors
  • Death Star Buildings, Living amongst the Cereal Box Terrain
  • Humans are not fully equipped; people specialize in specific senses.
  • Television is effective for propaganda because most people are visually susceptible.
    e.g. This sentence is true. The last sentence is false.
  • You can never own something that will outlast you and/or others.
  • spiral galaxy