"Let them curse it that curse the day, who are skilful
to rouse Leviathan."

JOB 3:8

Witches' Alphabet
The current revival of the cult called Wicca is a manifestation of the ancient secret societies that sought occult forces to use for their own advantage, and to the advantage of humanity, as was the original intent. The raising of the cone of power through circle dancing is probably the simplest method of attaining results i "rousing Leviathan", and has been used by societies as diverse as the dervishes in the Middle East and the Pythoon Dancers of Africa, not to mention the round dances that we were familiar to the Gnostic Christians, and the ones held every year in the past at Chartres.

The witches of today while acknowledging the importance of the male element of telluric Power, generally prefer to give honor to the Female Principle, personified as the Goddess.
