
My brave soul! O farther farther sail!
O daring joy, but safe! are they not all the seas of God?
O farther, farther, farther sail!

-Walt Whitman, Passage to India

Psychokinetics is perhaps the oldest and least understood phenomenon surrounding humans. Examples of mental capability beyond rational limits have been recorded throughout history and include many amazing powers. A few of the many applications of phychokinetic activity include but are no limited to: levitation, telekinesis, (the ability to make objects float in mid air), pyrotechnics, mind reading, clairvoyance (the ability to know what is on the other side of a wall, or what is on the face of a concealed card). Little or no scientific evidence has brought any real conclusion to the claims and beliefs of those that had experienced paranormal activities although certain accounts leave some doubt to be desired...
