Orbiting Electrons


...these mighty formulas which, if understood and practiced,
would long ago have transformed this planet into a paradise of perfection.
- Saint Germain

Alchemy is a science that explores the chemistry of energy. The goal of the alchemist is generally to turn base materials into materials of greater worth through the manipulation of energy. This can be done either to bring the material closer to its potential perfection or for financial gain of ones self or others. There are other feats that can be performed based on the same theories and techniques. Some attribute the ability of Jesus to walk on water to a manipulation of the energy in His body so that it would more closely resemble light than matter.

Sir Isaac Newton, world famous physicist for his theories on forces that affect the universe, was a student of alchemy. While he is renound for his understanding of energy, Newton felt his life's work a failure as he was never able to turn base metals into gold and thereby bringing them closer to perfection.

Though alchemy is categorized under pantheism (by the authors) because alchemists are generally trying to bring all objects closer to a God-like perfection, the practice of alchemy is open to any type of spiritual belief. Saint Germain, perhaps the most famous alchemist of all, was a devout Catholic. In his writings he warns against using alchemy for any purpose other than the unselfish betterment of humankind as God will punish any who use such magic with ill intent.

I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoothe pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

- Sir Isaac Newton
