STRESS (n.) Reaction to a certain action or set of circumstances.

STRESS is fueled by two sources.

the external events that impinge on your life AND your internal reaction to those events
nervousness or agitation
excessive procrastination and poorly prepared work
infrequent class attendance with little or no work done
high levels of irritability
lack of energy
marked changes in personal hygiene
bizarre or strange behavior
sadness or fearful mess
frequent binge eating or extreme loss of appetite
inability to make decisions
Indicators that STRESS is affecting you in a negative way :

PHYSICAL - upset stomach, dry mouth, muscle aches and pains, clammy hands, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, fatigue and lack of energy.
COGNITIVE - confusion, loss of concentration forgetfulness, humorlessness, decreased motivation, negative thinking, being short tempered, sarcasm, and a general feeling of being demoralized and depressed.
BEHAVIORAL - drinking more coffee and/or coke, eating more sweets, oversleeping, and an inability to relax and sleep.


1) Start On the Situation

Change the external circumstance that is provoking your STRESS reaction.

Set Limits
Establish priorities. Eliminate some activities. Simplify where possible. Schedule necessities. Refuse unreasonable demands.

Take Charge
Take responsibility for your predicament. Do something specific. Reduce uncertainty - seek additional information. Face choices. Make decisions. Be assertive.

Minimize Chance
Stay put. Keep to a schedule. Postpone decisions. Lay low - cruise in neutral for awhile.

2) Start On Self
Alter your internal response to STRESS

Take care of yourself
Slow down. Utilize deep breathing. Relax regularly. Work, play and live. Develope external interests. Give yourself rewarding breaks. Exercise regularly.

Strengthen your resistance
Use antidote to STRESS. Learn to tolerate uncertainty. Identify your wants and preferences and learn to satisfy them. Revise your unspoken rules and negative self messages.

Get your mental house in order
Anticipate change. Develop your skills and competencies. Resolve your conflicts. Clarify your values. Focus your attention on what really counts.

3) Search Out Support
Even after you change your situations and take care of yourself there is still MORE YOU CAN DO.

Utilize your environment
Reach out for resources. Work within your context. Take advantage of your surroundings. Let your space protect and comfort you. Search out beauty.

Share your burden
Lean on someone you trust. Talk it out. Ask for help. Accept the comfort and encouragement of friends. find a support group (staff).

Call out the horses
Connect with experts. Seek counsel and advise from professional resources in your community and workplace.

Don't suffer on the sideline
Create support systems where they don't exist. Participate in ritual. Share other's experience. Support someone else. Make connections.

REMEMBER - Thinking about these strategies will not help you. You have to take action for them to work for you.

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