Greetings and welcome to issue 17. Our new Fuel web page is finally up and running. It'll be updated within a couple weeks of each new paper issue. Probable sooner than that, but I don't want to make any promises I can't keep. You can find us at fuel.html/ I'm a little frustrated by the lack of design control you have when doing a web page, but with a little practice, it'll hopefully look a little better. The electronic version of Fuel will never replace the printed version, of this I am convinced. I do a lot of reading and I always prefer having the paper in front of me. Even if I'm reading a web page, if it's extensive, I tend to print it out. I'm just doing it to complement the versions I have out, plus it's free.

Thanks to everyone who sent me kind thoughts on my health - (knock on wood) I think that I am finally healthy again. I was sick for about two months out of the summer and living the recluse life. The mouth infection that I wrote about in 16 actually came back a second time after my penning that intro. My theory on the reoccurrence is that the first doctor didn't keep on heavy enough anti's for the duration of the infection. Anyway, I ended up going to a couple more specialists, getting second opinions, the whole gig and ended up with more doctor bills and enormous amounts of pharmeuticals. 16 came out almost, kind of on time, despite another time setback. Thanks to everyone for being patient.

Sometimes I send out contributor copies or issues people have paid for and they get sent back. Anyway, I'm looking for Joe Maynard. You have paid stuff coming, get in touch. If you ever order something or write and don't hear back from me, PLEASE drop me a line. The Chicago postal system is about the worst and I'm sure I lose about 20% of all mail, period.

The work issue has been pushed back to January 31, instead of the first. I'd like to keep three months between issues as much as possible, otherwise I end up with tons of zines sitting around our computer room. My roommate is cool and all but I have way more paper products than one single person should really have.

I'm going to try to start doing some small reviews in issue 19. I'm not going to be doing them personally, but Mr. Oberc said that he'd do a couple here and there. I'm not asking to start receiving more free stuff, because I do alot of trading already, but beware, if you send me something in, we might review it.Then again we might not. The new price for Fuel is $2 postpaid down from $3. Is that change only temporary? I actually don't know, I hope not. But I've got to take a check of all the expenses after awhile and make sure that I'm not bleeding my savings account dry.

Many thanks to all of the contributors & everyone else in my life who make this self-indulgent effort possible. Thanks for reading this. Watch out for the Work issue in January. It's going to be really cool.Seize the Time (and I mean it!)Andy Lowry, editor

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