On The Mind...

Some Opinions

If man only uses 10% of his Mental capacity... What is the other 90% for?

  1. Nothing , it serves no purpose. Then again, you don't either!
  2. it's uh, kindofa, uh, well, it's kinda reserved supply for, uh, people dat use too many ah dem der, uh, drugs. Ya know the kind dat fries your noodles, yeah dem.
  3. We have the capacity for immense amounts of knowledge. Through time man has chosen to limit his capacities for fear that they may become too complex.

  1. it's for you to think about what it's for.
  2. No, no it's for, uh, uhm, uh... i fergit
  3. During evolution man needed to increase his capacity and overall size of the brain, and they over-compensated. Man has limited forms of learning and limited time. Therefore a more expanded education could possibly increase or capacity, usage, and make better people too, i like to think anyway,
    We've got the room, lets use it.

  1. How can you prove we only use 10%? i think i'm using the whole damn thing.
  2. i think we use the other 90% for dem der psychic messages, and all that stuff. We just ain't learned 'ow ta use it, ya know?
  3. it's possible i presume... To think that at one point man thought in long slow thought patterns that needed that 90% to process thoughts. Over time we may have developed a way to condense these thoughts.