Isaac Newton: His Life and Work

Introduction Early Life Later Life Achievements Future


Isaac Newton was a famous scientist who lived between the years of 1642 and 1727. He lived most of his early life with his grandfather in England, He is known for stating his three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. His theory of color is also well known along with his idea of a reflecting telescope. This report is on his life and inventions, and his ideas in his lifetime. He was an important contributor to the world of science.

Early Life

Isaac was born on Christmas Day in 1641. His parents were Hannah Ayscough, his mother, and Isaac Newton, his father, Isaac's Father died three months after his marriage. He was not alive when Isaac was horn. Isaac had been born premature. He was an only child. When Isaac was two years old his mother remarried to Reverend Mr. Smith, Isaac's mother went to live with him. Then Isaac went to live with his grandmother in a cottage in Woolsthorpe, England. Isaac went to ????? Public School until he was fourteen years old, he studied math and science. He became a very good student and had the highest scholarship in the school.

At home, he invented things such as clocks and windmills. He preferred this to schoolwork, When he was sixteen years old. Isaac experimented with objects' forces and speed when they were moving through water. He also experimented with wind force and how it moves objects. Then on July 8, 1661, Isaac went off to Trinity College for further education in math and geometry. He showed a high skill in Descartes' Mathematics in his first year. Then, the next year, the plague brought him home.

In the eighteen months after he was sent home from college, Isaac made most of his discoveries. He became a professor, He never smoked, and he was very modest, kind, and generous. He had erratic sleeping and eating habits. He worked all day in his office and sometimes all night. Isaac had almost no other hobbies outside his work.

Later Life

Isaac became a famous scientists and was visited by many people and scientists in his home. Isaac became the master of the nearby mint In 1669. He was also elected to the Royal Society and the Parliament, He was first chosen for the parliament in 1689 and was re-elected in 1701. He was elected president of the Royal Society in 1703 after being continually re-elected for years before.

Around this time, Isaac ran into some problems. He was having trouble with money and dues, He soon corrected this problem and got off the ground again. Isaac was also having a dispute with Descartes about his theory of color. Isaac was was also having many people challenge his laws. Isaac won the dispute with Descartes. He was also able to defend his laws against the numerous challenges. Isaac thought of marriage - but his work never let him consider it. Isaac remained a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Isaac Newton was spoken of as a man of "unparalleled genius." He was also called "the best man in the history of human thought." The eighteen months when he returned from college were called "The most fruitful eighteen months in all the history of the creative imagination." His ideas are "even today still guiding our thinking."

On March 2, 1727, Isaac was attending a meeting of the Royal Society when he got sick and was taken home. Then, on the next day, he died. He was 85 years old. Isaac was buried in Westminster Abbey.

In Isaac Newton"s final hours, he was quoted as saying "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seen to have been only a boy laying on the seashore and diverting myself, now and then tending a smaller pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary wilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."

Scientific Achievements

Newton was credited with stating his laws of Inertia, gravity, and momentum. He discovered the elements of integral and differential calculus and the binomial theorem. He made one of the first reflecting telescopes used for astronomy. He also discovered the secrets of light and color. In his Lifetime, he published "The Principal" and "Optricks", volumes containing his work and discoveries. In 1668, Newton made his reflecting telescope, He used it for his studies. It used mirrors combined with lenses to make the highest powered telescope ever.

Isaac was better known for his laws. Isaac discovered three laws of motion. Isaac's first law of motion was the law of Inertia. It read: "Every body will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line except in so far as it is compelled to change that state by impressed force." This law means that if something is moving or standing stills, it will stay that way until it is acted on by a force. His second law of motion was the law of Momentum. It read: "Rate of chance of momentum is proportional to the impressed force, and takes place in the line in which the force exists." This law means that a force will increase speed when falling. Isaac's third law of motion was the law of action and reaction. It read: "Action and reaction are equal and opposite." This law means that action and reaction are of the same amount of force. These were Newton's three laws of motion.

Newton also stated the law of Universal Gravitation. It read : "Any two particles of matter in the universe attract one another with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them." This means that every particle of Matter pulls on one another. Newton calculated the total mass of the sun using this law. This law was proved in 1689. Newton arrived at this law when he saw an apple fall in his garden;. He figured that the same force that made the apple fall also pulled on all the planets. This and Hepler's laws helped him in arriving at his law of Universal Gravitation.

Newton also figured out how colors were made. He said that color was a property of light, and that unite was the original color of light. He said that white light was made up of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. What color(s) you see depends on what color(s) the object reflects. Newton arrived at these conclusions then he was in a dark room and intercepted a ray of white light from the window with a prism. He then put an object in white light and red light and It changed color. He discovered this around the year of 1666. Newton wrote two books, "Philosophia Naturala" and "Principia Mathmatice". It was first published In 1687. It was called "one of the greatest single contributions to science." It consisted of three books on mathematical principles of natural philosophy. The first one discussed laws of force. The second discussed oscillation and forces of objects moving through water. The third discussed gravity, planets, and tides. These were a collection of his findings. Newton wrote "The Principia" at age 45. Newton also wrote "Optricks," which discussed his findings in light and color. It was published in 1704.


Newton thought of the future as a vast sea full of information. His work is "still guiding our thinking" as we learn more and more about science. His work serves as a guideline for our ideas in the future.

Written by David Cole in Junior High.