The House : In VRML :

House This is a zip compressed file of our House in VRML, a 3 dimensional technology for navigation of information. The Model is an extremely detailed piece of work from Qru Studios. This model is for download only because it is in fact, not for everyone. Please proceed with caution once you download, you will find this house contains many distinctive details like blankets on the bed. Included are several models of computers, and of course, the kitchen sink, even the bathroom sinks, ceiling fans, and a very old television. If your computer cannot open the file we do apologize and invite you to visit The House in 2d by clicking on The House link above.
You must have at least Pentium or PowerPC with 16 MB fo RAM or more and 4.5 MB of Hard Disk space.
Cosmo Player or Live3d are the recommended Plug-ins for viewing.
click on this image to begin your download.
The House in VRML (428k)

Model by: